VII. Discord, Facebook Group, Facebook Messenger

Discord Server

★ Required for all members of our Progression Guilds. 
★ Not required for anyone but Generals & the Guild Leader in casual guilds. 
★ All Dragonlords and Knight Commanders are required to be in Discord, whether a progression guild or a casual guild. 

As previously stated in signet assignment, no one can be assigned a signet (meaning "become a guild champion") until they are a member of the Discord Server. Since everyone in the guild is expected to be able to step up in the absence of another and/or to be working towards becoming a guild champion, this requirement applies to all members of our progression guilds. This is not required of guild champions in casual guilds. 

Note: The rules for the usage of our Discord server are found elsewhere, in the #server-rules channel of the Discord server.

Facebook Group
Our Facebook group is optional, but only open to those who possess the rank of Dragonknight or higher. 

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger chats are optional, but only open to those who possess the rank of Dragonknight or higher. 

Our Messenger Chats are unofficial means of tagging players for guild war attacks, Discord is the more appropriate venue to do so. Feel free to ask others in either Messenger or Discord about Arena attacks. 

Dragons Lair

Drachen Orden


Wir haben viele deutschsprachige Spieler in unseren Gilden. Unser Discord-Server verfügt über Übersetzer Bots um einfach zwischen allen Sprachen zu übersetzen. Wir freuen uns über mehr deutschsprachige Spieler. Ihr seid herzlich willkommen!!!

Tritt unserem Discord bei, um zu diskutieren.